A close-up of nighttime’s most active creature
[Green-Winged Lepidopteran: An apple-green moth adorning the walls during the hours of darkness.]
This Christmas, I am not going anywhere – but home – to bring you the lights and glitters of the holiday. Here’s what I got first… an alluring moth painted with my favorite apple green color and freckled with some dazzling gold spots and lining.
Moths are night-flying insects that resemble like a butterfly. Mostly, they are boring, that is, they are hued with the dimmest colors – brown, gray and black. But sometimes they are actually very beautiful. Yes, few of them are like so because they have the most interesting colors (girl’s pink, rare greens, etc.) and fascinating prints ever!
Highlight And Isolation: This brilliant moth will surely make your eyes flickering excitingly leaving your surrounds black.